Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements

Proficiency-Based Learning is a component of Act 77 and the Vermont State Board of Education’s Education Quality Standards (EQS). Vermont public schools must provide students with “flexible and personalized pathways” for progressing through grade levels and to graduation. Students can only advance when they demonstrate the attainment of skills and knowledge, irrelevant of time spent in a classroom. The following are the Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements (PBGR):

Language Arts

  • comprehend, interpret, analyze and evaluate a wide range and level of complex literary and informational
    texts. (Reading)
  • produce clear and coherent writing for a range of tasks, purposes and audiences. (Writing)
  • conduct short and sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (Writing Research)
  • initiate and participate effectively in a range of discussions, responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives and expressing ideas clearly and persuasively. (Speaking and Listening)
  • present information, findings, and supporting evidence conveying a clear and distinct perspective. (Speaking and Listening)
  • demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. (Language)

Social Studies

  • make sense of the world by questioning, analyzing information, and developing reasonable explanations based
    on evidence. (Inquiry)
  • act as productive citizens by understanding the history, principles, and foundations of our American democracy, and by acquiring the ability to become engaged in civic and democratic processes. (Civics)
  • make economic decisions through understanding the interactions between humans, governments, economic systems and both the national and global marketplaces. (Economics)
  • use geographic inquiry and reasoning to propose solutions to local, national, and global issues. (Geography)
  • understand and evaluate change and continuity over time by making appropriate use of historical evidence in answering questions and developing arguments about the past. (History)
  • use various technologies and skills to find information and to express their responses to questions through well-reasoned explanations and evidence-based arguments. (Evaluating sources and using evidence)
  • demonstrate readiness for civic life by communicating an argument that has been strengthened by evidence, critiques and reflection and that can be used as a foundation for action. (Communicating conclusions and taking informed action)


  • use mathematics to help make sense of the real world: identify variables, formulate a model describing the
    relationship between the variables, interpret results and validate and report conclusions and the reasoning
    behind them. (Modeling)
  • reason, describe and analyze quantitatively, using units and number systems to solve problems. (Numbers and
  • create, interpret, use and analyze expressions, equations and inequalities. (Algebra)
  • use functions, including linear, quadratic, trigonometric and exponential, to interpret and analyze a variety of contexts. (Functions)
  • understand geometric concepts and constructions, prove theorems and apply appropriate results to solve problems. (Geometry)
  • interpret and apply statistics and probability to analyze data, reach and justify conclusions and make inferences. (Statistics/Probability)

Science - Learners, as demonstrated through the integration of disciplinary core ideas:

  • question and define problems and plan and carry out investigations.
  • develop and use models.
  • use mathematics and computational thinking and analyze and interpret data.
  • construct explanations and design solutions.
  • engage in argument from evidence and obtain, evaluate and communicate information.

World Languages

  • engage in conversations and informal written correspondence on a variety of topics. (Interpersonal Communication)
  • understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. (Interpretive Communication)
  • present information, concepts and ideas, orally and in writing, to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. (Presentational Communication)
  • compare the nature of language and the culture(s) of the target language with one’s own language and culture. (Comparison of Practices, Products and Perspectives)

Visual and Performing Arts

  • show literacy in the arts through understanding and demonstrating concepts, skills, terminology and processes.
  • use a variety of approaches to practice when completing their work.
  • describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate art (dance, music, theatre and visual arts).
  • understand the relationship among the arts, history and world culture; and then make connections among arts and disciplines, to goal setting and to interpersonal interaction.
  • create, perform and express ideas through the arts.


  • comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
  • analyze influences: analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.
  • access information: demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.
  • practice interpersonal communication and advocacy: demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills; to advocate for personal, family and community health to enhance health and avoid or reduce risks.
  • practice decision-making and goal setting: demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills and goal setting to enhance health.
  • practice self-management: demonstrate the ability to practice Health Enhancing Behaviors and avoid/reduce health risk.

Physical Education

  • demonstrate competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
  • apply knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
  • demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
  • exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
  • recognize the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.

Service Learning

  • Learners participate in and contribute to, the enhancement of community life through creating and enacting a proposal for an improvement in the community which takes positive action to resolve conflict, promote equity, and/or solve community problems.