Drivers Ed
Driver's Education
The Driver Education is designed to develop the student driver and teach traffic safety, to assist drivers in the study of traffic crash prevention, and to acquire knowledge and skills leading to the safe operation of motor vehicles. The class consists of classroom instruction and behind the wheel driving/observing. Students are required to drive outside of class for at least 20 hours during the course in order to obtain a “yellow card.” Students should expect to spend about 30 minutes outside of class (each day) on reading and various worksheets to enhance their learning. There is a mandatory parent/student meeting near the beginning of the class to help aide parents/students about their roles in this process.
Pre-Driver Education
Students must have their permit before taking driver education, however, they can sign up before they have a permit. Copies of the driver manual can be found at the town office or an electronic copy here. Driver's License Manual (permit)
It is helpful if parents do some basic driving with students before they take the class to at least help students gain some comfort behind the wheel using the pedals, wipers, lights, steering wheel. It is great if they can stop and turn before starting the class. I have created a basic guide to give you some ideas of what to do before and during driver education with your student.
While in Driver's Education Class
Continue to drive with your student, every time they drive, even if for 2 minutes they gain valuable experience getting ready to drive, backing up, turning, stopping, intersections, targeting, staying in lane and parking. Students should be getting 1-2 hours per week driving practice for maximum results. Keep recording time that you drive with them. There is a mandatory parent meeting just after the class starts, be on the lookout for a letter from your child from me.