Student Government

MHS Student Council is a group of student leaders who work collaboratively with others to positively impact their school community, which impacts the town of Milton, which impacts our state, which impacts our country, which changes the world.

Our Objectives

  1. To initiate, implement, and complete projects and activities which will be of help to the school, the students, the faculty, the administration, the Board of Trustees, and the community.
  2. To develop and provide opportunities for leadership and service in the local school and in the community.
  3. To encourage the personal growth of leaders through participation in district, state, and national meetings and organizations.
  4. To provide a living workshop of democratic processes, through such activities as elections, participation in a constitutional representative assembly, etc.
  5. To contribute to the educational experiences of students by providing them with a positive involvement in the school, with widened areas of responsibilities, and with more direct participation in organizing and implementing activities.
  6. To promote respect for law and order and the general welfare of the school and community.
  7. To promote an awareness of human relations, of power structures, and how one effectively operates within them. These objectives are realistically approached through increasing avenues of cooperation among the administration, faculty, and students.
  8. To provide a viable means for student expression and an increasing amount of self-direction.
  9. To improve understanding between and within groups through interaction and communications.
  10. To develop student potential and encourage to make a well-informed, honest, interested, and active citizenship.
  11. To develop not only leadership abilities within the youth of today, but also leadership for the community, state, and nation of tomorrow. In this process, it is also the objective to develop an awareness of good leadership qualities, hopefully, for a more informed, concerned, and active citizenry of tomorrow.
  12. To increase student involvement and school pride.

2020-2021 Student Council

2020-2021 Student Council Membership

The Milton High School Student Council is an open-enrollment club where youth volunteers use their leadership role to improve the school. This year, the Student Council chose to participate in Getting to ‘Y’ to use data to guide their work. Eleven members and their advisors attended a fully virtual training in November. The team then co-facilitated a remote data analysis retreat with peers to identify existing supports in their school and community and reviewed the 2019 Milton High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey report. The group agreed on 3 strengths to celebrate in their data and 4 concern areas that they felt were most important to address.

They presented their priorities to the Administration, and also plan to share their ideas with faculty and staff to increase problem-solving around their areas of concern. Their work with the YRBS data will help guide Student Council priorities going forward. Ideas for next year include sexual violence prevention presentations in advisories; examination of health curriculum to include more consent information; training for staff on how to respond to issues; strengthening the restorative practices model; surveying students about which school rules are unclear; mental health screenings and check-ins; creating a calming room in school; increasing counseling resources; conflict resolution training; peer mediation and conflict resolution not linked to discipline.


MHS STUCO is an open membership group. You do not need to be elected to be a member. Please reach out to Matt Rector to learn more about membership.
