School Board Community Forum

To: All MTSD Community

From: Amy Rex, Superintendent

Re: MTSD Board of Trustees - Herrick Facilities


On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, the MTSD Board of Trustees will host a community forum to discuss the Herrick Facility. For the last 4 years, the Herrick Avenue facility has been a topic of conversation. The age and conditions of school facilities across Vermont have recently gained the attention of state leaders. The Herrick facility is reaching its life expectancy and decisions need to be made about the direction the community would like to take to ensure a safe, operational, and engaging facility for all learners - now and in the future.

Given the on-going moisture challenges with the Herrick facility, it is essential that there is a stabilization plan - one that ensures that the building can functionally open every school year on time. 

On Tuesday, the MTSD Board of Trustees will present an overview of Herrick stabilization options. Please join us. They are seeking your input. The forum begins at 7:00 p.m in the MHS Library


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